Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Too Old For a Flat Stomach?

Email from Anonymous

I love your site! Wow, it's about time someone stopped pushing all these dumb diet pills and fad diets that screw up your metabolism. I am 45 years old and have tried for years to get a flat stomach. Is it still possible at my age? I've had 3 children.

Lisa's Response

Yes, it is possible. I'm not saying it won't be challenging but it's definitely doable. Unfortunately the older you get, the weaker your muscles become. If you've had children this adds to the challenge because childbirth weakens your abdominal muscles even more.

You should start with Kegel exercises. These are internal muscles located in your lower abdominals that can be re-trained and strengthened, thus improving the look of your tummy. There's a great article on post pregnanacy and how to do kegel exercises here.

Don't forget that diet is equally (if not more) important as exercise. It's crucial you work on limiting your intake of bad carbs (white bread, potatoes, pasta, white rice), eat more veggies, protein, less sugar and cut out those late snacks. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day is also key.

Just remember it's a process and you have to remain consistent. You can't do this for 3 days and then go back to your old eating habits. Yes, it will be more difficult the older you get, but it's certainly not impossible to have a flat stomach just because you're in your 40's.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Weight Loss Tips for Teens

I received an email from a young girl yesterday who said she unsubscribed from my Tummy Tips because there wasn't enough tips for teens. It suddenly occurred to me that a lot of young people view this site.

I realized that much of the information on www.flat-stomach-exercises.com is geared toward adults, so I created a page for the younger generations that may be struggling with weight issues.

View my weight loss tips for teens page.