Thursday, June 08, 2006

Toning Specific Problem Areas

I feel like I'm being redundant sometimes but I keep getting emails from people wanting to lose weight in certain areas. Last week a lady wanted to know how to lose her double chin. Yesterday someone emailed me about losing their arm flab.

I cannot stress enough that there isn't a way to spot tone one area. If you want to lose flab ANYWHERE on your body -- whether it's your face, arms, neck, stomach, you name MUST lose weight all over.

When you start exercising regularly and eating properly, you will lose weight in those problem areas.

Now of course once the weight starts coming down you can tone certain areas with weight lifting - particularly your arms, legs, etc. But weight lifting without eating right and exercising will just make you bulky. You'll just be adding muscle on top of your existing fat. That is not an ideal solution.

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