Monday, November 07, 2005

How Much Weight Will I Lose?

Email from Anonymous:

If I follow a proper protien diet chart with a good work out everyday... how long will it take me to lose wieght? I am 23 yrs of age, my hieght is 5'3 and I am 57 kgs (125 pounds).

Lisa's Response:

First of all, the amount of weight you lose will depend on how well you stick to your diet and more importantly your body's metabolism. A younger person with a faster metabolism may be able to drop the weight faster than an older person with a slower metabolism.

It's impossible for anyone to predict how fast you will lose weight due to body type, diet plan and so many other factors.

The best advice I can give is to stick with your low fat, high protein diet plan and exercise 3-4 times per week and you WILL see results.

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